Cooxupé launches “Gerações” for the world coffee community

Cooxupé launches “Gerações” for the world coffee community

Cooperative from Minas Gerais launches its own sustainability protocol, proving to have compromise with global market demands and with consumers

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The regional coffee grower cooperative in Guaxupé presented for the market of coffee and its consumers its own sustainability protocol called “Gerações”. The launch was presented by the president of Cooxupé, Carlos Augusto Rodrigues de Melo, in the night of 25 of May, during the global forum Coffee Dinner & Summit, in São Paulo.

In addition to launching Gerações Protocol, Cooxupé was honored at the event organized by Cecafé (Brazilian Council of Coffee Exporters). The homage came in recognition for the leadership in shipment of coffee by the performance in 2022. Period in which the cooperative shipped 5.6 million bags of green coffee type arábica for 50 countries.

Gerações Protocol: Coffee for more demanding consumers  

The adoption of sustainable practices and the ESG schedule are already part of Cooxupé’s reality. That is to ensure a better future for the more than 18 thousand co-op members. As well as having the quality and precedence of the coffee produced more and more recognized before the demands of the market and the consumers.

All that work resulted in the implantation of Gerações Protocol, that defines guidelines and levels so that the cooperative and it’s co-op members are integrated to its new reality: that the longevity and quality of the grain is deeply connected to an economically sustainable production system, in harmony with the environment and the producers, their families and their employees.

Through the protocol, Cooxupé and its co-op members have been adopting better practices to guarantee resiliency, in addition to improving the work conditions in the properties, and thus, produce sustainable coffee in the social, ethical and environmental point of view. “The majority of our co-op members represents family farming, so our biggest challenge is that everyone participates in this inclusive program to be benefited with larger competitivity in the market and produce a coffee that attends the “future consumer”, explains the president Carlos Augusto.

Accessible to all coop members

The protocol includes different realities and variations of each producer like size of production, resources, amidst other factors. To guarantee transparency in the processes, Gerações brings four different sustainability levels.

“All those levels congregate a set of requisites. In this form, the protocol stimulates the co-op members to fulfill the minimal sustainability commitments (level 1), raising the commitments to, then, progress to the other levels”, explain the president.

Gerações Protocol was developed in partnership with SCS Global Service, organ with 40 years of experience in environmental certification, sustainability and food quality.

“The producers are aware and accepting very well the model of our new protocol. Specially because the program is inclusive, transparent and very representative, since it has cooperativism in its essence. However, in other to address the other sustainability pillars, it will be necessary to involve every part of the chain. And, in that sense, we are very optimistic”, says Luis Fernando dos Reis, Cooxupé’s Commercial Head.

Adding Value

By adopting and launching the sustainability protocol, Cooxupé also means to search for fair prices and added value to its products. “There’s no social responsibility nor environmental commitment if there isn’t financial development”, says Reis.

At the end, he remarks that sustainability and the ESG schedule are currently the big challenges and the cooperative has to prove to the market the quality of the coffee it commercializes.

“The practice of cooperativism fairly developed in Cooxupé allow us to make available to the co-op member adequate support to better adequate to the many needs of the market. Concerning any requirement, we’ll be resilient and we’ll be ready for the future”, concludes Luiz Fernando.