Make your own coffee soap
As a great ally for skin health, coffee toilet soap helps combating cellulitis, besides being antioxidant and moisturizing.
Toilet soaps like lavender, fennel, oat or milk, for instance, are very common. But, have you ever heard about coffee soap?
Indeed, only the aroma of coffee would be enough to excite and give energy. And handmade toilet soap produced from coffee scrubs brings various benefits as shown at Bons Fluidos.
Coffee soap
Firstly, it’s worth talking about the properties of coffee.
A small cup of the beverage, of nearly 50 ml, has 1.5 mg of calcium, 3 mg of magnesium and phosphorus, 39 mg of potassium and B Complex vitamins. Conclusively, it’s very rich in nutrients! Therefore, coffee presents antioxidant and stimulating properties, promoting well-being to the skin
In and all, coffee soap has other advantages: it eliminates bad odor, removes dead skin cells, helps combating localized fat and diminishing cellulitis.
It also helps revitalizing the skin, combating expression lines, besides its astringent function, helping to eliminate blackheads and acne.
With such huge list of qualities, what about learning how to make it using the scrubs from brewing?
The receipt is kind of easy. Note:
Coffee soap ingredients
- 700g of glycerin base for soap;
- 50g of dry coffee scrubs;
- 10 drops of essential oil;
- 2 tablespoons of milk;
- 2 teaspoons of cinnamon.
Step by step
Melt the glycerin base in the micro-wave oven in intervals of one minute.
It is important to mix well during each pause until the base gets totally liquid.
Then, add the other ingredients and mix well.
So, pour everything in a rectangular cake tin underlaid with plastic film.
Wait until the coffee soap dries.
After a few days, it will stiffen, so it may be taken out of the tin and cut into pieces to be used.
It’s easy, fast and smells too good!